Happy little sun – Tunisian crochet coaster pattern

little sun coaster Tunisian crochet pattern yarnandy

If you’re into celestial bodies as decorations throughout your house, you’re going to love these cute coasters that feature a little sun on them. They are made using this beginner Tunisian crochet coaster pattern that’s so easily explained in a detailed video tutorial that I prepared for you. You can even square these up and … Read more

Phyllite – free Tunisian crochet shawl pattern for beginners

phyllite tunisian crochet shawl pattern cover

Make a wonderful wrap for yourself or your loved ones using the instructions from this free Tunisian crochet shawl pattern. You’ll learn the simple stitch, also known as the afghan stitch, the easiest and most common of Tunisian crochet stitches (but one that has a tendency to curl). You’ll also learn an easy way to … Read more