Crochet resources

This is a list of all crochet resources, including free crochet patterns, tutorials and pages filled with tips, which you can find on this website. The list is updated regularly with the release of new relevant content.

These resources were divided into sections that cover the free patterns shared on this blog, tutorials, tips and tricks, discussions about charts and shaping, and reviews.

There are more patterns to choose from in the shop, but all of the ones linked in the sections below (except the premium section) are free on the blog.

Free crochet patterns

These crochet patterns are free on the blog, either as written instructions, video tutorials, or both. The type is mentioned next to the link.

They all range in difficulty from beginner to intermediate, as the more advanced patterns are offered as premium.

Shawl patterns

Blankets and squares

Other home decor

Garment patterns

Crochet summer top free pattern in 12 sizes

Patterns for hands and feet

Easy chunky slippers – free crochet pattern

Amigurumi and toys

Other projects

Crochet along events and other serial patterns

Strawberry Cupcake CAL

Dear Peony baby blanket

Project diaries

Sempervivum shawl – project diary

Crochet stitches

Crochet tips and tricks

This long list includes lots of tips and tricks related to crochet that I’ve written over the years. Some are step by step tutorials, some are more like discussions where I present my perspective. Both types of articles have their uses.

Step by step tutorials

Discussions and answers to common questions

Crochet charts

Crochet charts are easier to read than written instructions once you learn how to read them.

You don’t need to be a designer to create charts for patterns. Even as a regular crocheter you can benefit from drawing charts for yourself.

As a designer, it helps your customers to have a chart for your crochet patterns, so here are the articles I wrote to help you decide which software to use to draw your charts.

I also offer charting services for designers if you don’t want to draw them yourself.

Other articles that might be interesting for designers:

Shaping and measurements

These resources are aimed at people who want to design and/or make garments that fit comfortably. They are technical, but very useful if you want to make garments. They also appear in the list of Tunisian crochet resources.

Premium crochet pattern announcements

These are simple announcements of premium patterns that are only available as a paid PDF. You can see the design process and the beautiful tester projects.

Yarn reviews

If you’re wondering whether to buy a particular yarn, see if there’s a review written about it. I might add more to this once I get some more commonly found yarn, as I currently mostly work with yarn that is available here in Europe.

Collage of crochet projects, including shawls and amigurumi, offered as free patterns in the list of crochet resources
Collage of various shawls and amigurumi projects. All of these examples are available as patterns, many for free, see links above.

If you want to know when more content is added to these crochet resources, make sure to subscribe by clicking on the image below.

You will also receive a really useful guide for customizing the fit of your crochet clothing.

Sign up to Yarnandy email updates and get the Kizilkaya shawl pattern. Click here to sign up. Image of bias shawl with rows of eyelets, draped on a vintage coat hanger.